About Us
Welcome to South Florida Hospitality Human Resources Association
The SF Human Resources Association started many years ago with volunteers organizing events and programs. Though it was a more casual organization during those years, we still held monthly meetings with networking and speakers of interest to the industry and HR functions. The SFlaHHRA was “formalized” in 1990.We elected our first set of officers and started to collect dues to fund association events and programs and we conducted the last revision of our By Laws in 2010. The association provides scholarships to students in the hospitality industry and continues to provide development opportunities to its members by presenting programs and speakers in three areas: professional development, legal updates and personal wellness and growth. We hold various social events through out the year to give our members an opportunity to network while having fun. Our yearly holiday party is held in January to help us kick off the year ahead. Our membership roster includes both human resources professionals and companies that provide services to the industry. Five Board members are elected every two years to serve in the positions of: President; Vice President/Chair Events; Program Chair; Membership Chair and Secretary /Treasurer.
Our Vision
To engage and connect with all our South Florida Human Resources Colleagues and maintain the important role of these professionals in our industry.
Our Mission
To promote the importance of the human resources function within the hospitality industry, and further educate and update members’ knowledge by means of informative programs, and to allow for a mutual exchange of ideas and innovations among the human resources professionals in South Florida so the industry continues to grow and flourish.